Keto — Tagged "Brand_Walden Farms, Brand_G Hughes, Brand_Sinister Labs, Brand_Perfect Sports" — Popeye's Supplements Edmonton Skip to content
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Diets are all very unique! Some make you eats lots of food, others can feel very restrictive and some have you eating the same thing day in, day out. Dieting is not everyone's cup of tea! But here walks in Keto! 

The rules are simple, almost no carbs, some protein, and a LOT of fat. Some even have bacon on this diet. Any diet that allows bacon has to be good, right?

Keto helps your body switch to fat as a main source of energy, turning said fat into “ketones” (hence the name)

But keto can have its challenges, eating enough fats can be tough, and no carbs can mean being low on fiber. So, to help you out, we have a bunch of keto supplements that can fill in any gaps that may pop up while on Keto. 

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